In a perfect world we get all the nutrients we need from what we eat, but with different eating patterns, food allergies, and avoidances, sometimes we could use a little boost. That’s where supplements, powders, and potions come in to help you supercharge your diet when you are deficient.


Are you actually deficient or lacking in a key nutrient? Begin by checking in with your doctor or dietitian to determine if you are low in any specific vitamins or minerals before spending a ton of money in supplements that you don’t necessarily need, or could do you harm. Sometimes there is too much of a good thing!

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Used appropriately these products can help to improve how your body moves, digests, and feels.

Probiotics: As your body’s largest source of immune defense, hormone production, and it’s digestion centre, the gut is incredibly important to overall health. A daily probiotic works to keep gut bacteria strong and diverse, helping to fend off infection and mitigate symptoms of digestive issues, such as IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Renew Life brand is my go-to.

Protein Powder: This is good for adding protein into plant-based breakfasts, like smoothies or oats, to help you meet your protein needs throughout the day. Two of my favourites are Kaizen and Vega.

Iron: Woman are more likely to be deficient in this mineral due to their menstrual cycles. It can be hard to meet your needs, especially when following a primarily vegetarian or vegan diet. If levels are low, a supplement can help improve energy levels and athletic performance, so you can go that extra mile.

Vitamin D: Know as the “Sunshine Vitamin”, Vitamin D is important in bone health, immune function, and reduces overall inflammation in the body Although some foods contain small amounts of Vitamin D, the majority is generated from exposure to sunlight, and those who live in cold climates, areas with a lot of smog cover, or have darker skin pigmentation, may have a harder time meeting their Vitamin D requirement. I try and take Vitamin D year-round, but especially in the winter months, and have seen a notable decrease in the amount of times I get sick. Adults should aim for about 2000 IUs/day.

Magnesium: I’ve taken a magnesium supplement for years, and I can’t recommend it enough. Magnesium promotes feelings of calm, helping you fall asleep and relax tight muscles. I also find that it helps move things along when you’re feeling constipated, so I always make sure to bring it when I’m travelling. My favourite form is magnesium citrate, but if you are finding it’s moving things along a little too much, magnesium glycinate is another good option.

Collagen: Collagen is the main structural protein that makes up our skin, cartilage, ligaments, and tendon, and we tend to lose more of it as we age. Collagen supplementation have been shown to increase skin’s elasticity and hydration, as well as reduce joint pain associated with activity and osteoarthritis. I like adding collagen powder to my morning coffee or in a smoothie, and have noticed a difference in the strength of my hair, skin, and nails as a result. My favourite is a marine collagen from a Canadian brand called Sproos, but I also like Organika brand.

Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 acts to keep nerve and red blood cells healthy and assists in DNA production. B12 cannot be produced by your body, and is mainly found in animal foods like meat, fish, milk, eggs, and cheese. When your diet leans towards more plant-based foods, you can become low in B12. A B12 deficiency can lead to anemia, muscle stiffness or weakness, and low energy levels. Look for supplements that list that they contain B12 in its natural form, methylcobalamin, they are better absorbed by the body.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: I wouldn’t necessarily recommend taking an omega-3 supplement if you are already following a balanced diet that contains fatty fish. However, omega-3s are essential fatty acids, meaning your body doesn’t produce them by itself and you can only get them through what you eat. Vegetarian sources of omega-3s include flaxseeds and walnuts, but it is hard to meet your daily needs through these foods alone. If you feel like your diet may be lacking in omega-3s, consider supplementing. Nutrasea is a good brand.