
Whether you’re a vegan, omnivore, paleo, or keto, protein is a key building block of what you eat. Protein is a pillar of meals and snacks at A Healthy Appetite, and here’s why.

why protein is important

  • Necessary for the maintenance of bones, muscles, organs, hair, skin, and nails

  • Supports the maintenance of lean muscle mass, which boosts metabolism

  • Helps you feel full and satisfied

  • Involved in the production of antibodies that fend off infection

  • Boosts muscle recovery following exercise

  • Helps achieve and maintain weight loss

How much protein do you need?

The recommended protein intake for adults is 10-35% of total energy intake. That’s a large range, so individual recommendations depend on multiple factors. A good general estimate for protein needs, is about 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight.This should be sufficient for someone who is moderately active or a recreational athlete. Those competing as endurance or power athletes at higher levels may have higher needs.

factors that increase protein needs

  • Age, needs increase as you get older

  • Activity level, more active individuals have higher needs

  • During times of disease, infection, and injury, needs increase

  • When trying to increase muscle mass, a positive protein balance, along with resistance training, is required.

To keep your body functioning optimally, try to incorporate a protein source (from either an animal or plant-based source) into all of your meals and snacks.